About Us


Global Bureau of Assessment Services - The global  ranking engine for achievements



The Global Bureau of Assessment Services GBOAS is an independent International Recognition Standardizing  Institution (rewards & records) and setting standards for its member organizations across the world and allotting ranking and International Achievement Standards Indices - IASI No. to achievers.  The GBOAS provides unbiased index rankings, that broaden your understanding of indices, supporting  recognition  decisions with precise facts and relevance to individual achievements and goals.

A means of defining levels of achievement that can take a variety of forms and are used to mark a minimum level of acceptable achievement. In other settings, more general descriptions of achievement that sort achievers into achievement levels, such as B, A, AA, AAA and AAA+ are used derived from professional & social front.

This provide achievers with targets for instruction by specifying what, and how much, achievers must be able to do in order to demonstrate standards and the achievement level that is called for.

It provides clear directions to assessor of tests about the kinds of achievement situation and tasks that will be used to make assessment about achievers proficiency.

It helps to clarify for the public what it means for a achiever to be classified at a particular level. To test achievers, an achievement standard is represented by the point on a test score scale that separates one level of achievement from another, e.g. a merits score from a lower level. The term can mean a description of what a achiever knows and can do to demonstrate proficiency against a standard.


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Amazing Team
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Our Team

Teamwork makes the dream work. We accept assignments for assessment and maintain the  professionalism while conducting any entrusted assignment even under short notice. .

Susan Day

Al alit emnos lnipedit ius, vel et hinc agam fabulas. Ut audiam invenire iracundia vim. An eam dico similique, ut sint posse sit.

James Duncan

Al alit emnos lnipedit ius, vel et hinc agam fabulas. Ut audiam invenire iracundia vim. An eam dico similique, ut sint posse sit.

Lori Harvey

Al alit emnos lnipedit ius, vel et hinc agam fabulas. Ut audiam invenire iracundia vim. An eam dico similique, ut sint posse sit.

Ralph Fields

Al alit emnos lnipedit ius, vel et hinc agam fabulas. Ut audiam invenire iracundia vim. An eam dico similique, ut sint posse sit.

How Beautiful Is To Do Nothing And Then Rest Afterwards And Then Rest.
